Thursday, November 13, 2008


That is the question?

I have nothing to say any more... What I had planned out for the next several days has been disgarded because my ideas were already blogged by another (i missed this because I was too busy to even check my e-mails for a whole month).

So, any way... unless someone has some amazing ideas for blogs, this one will probably be the last one for a longgggggggggggggggg time..........................



Jen said...

Blog about them anyway . . . you add stuff to it so it's different than mine anyway. . . I tagged everyone to blog about what they are thankful for . . . so far Debbie and Tammy are the only ones who have done it. . .I think yuou should blog about Summer and Fall. . . Blog about your most favorite Christmas memory . . . Blog about your OCD tendencies and the crazy stuff you do (are you OCD?) . . . ummmmm. . . blog about the best vacation you ever wnet on . . . what's your next one that you are planning on taking? . . . you never did tell us how your chat with the school went. . . how's your health . . . what crafty thing are you working on now? . . . what's going on with your kids? . . .favorite dessert and it's recipe . . .

If you stop blogging, then I will have less opportunities to procrastinate and do something other than what is on my list!!! BLOOOOOOGGGG! PLEASE!!

Trillium said...

Jen's right.

Think of your blog as a gentle message sent to the Universe--like a note in a bottle cast into the sea. You may never know who gets the message, or that it does make a difference in their lives (or at least their day--or at least one positive moment in their day).

We all like instant gratification--i.e. comments--but in many cases, I have nothing to add, and so I merely "check-in" saying something inane, just so that the blog writer knows I was there.

Some of Dad's blogs have been so long and so convoluted (or so it seems to me) that I have occasionally resorted to scanning down to the next paragraph . . . all the way to the "bottom line." I suspect that everyone (at some time or another) does that to long blogs or to blogs that require too much effort (read thinking).

So, keep sending out your blogs. We all win some and lose some.

DebbieLou said...

Actually, sometimes it's the little things, like some of the stuff Jen mentioned, that makes the blogs more endearing. It provides a way to get to know each other and communicate in a way different than we might otherwise do.

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