Camarillo is not exempt from rodants; nor is Harbor Freight Tools...
There has been a lot of construction going on near the office and there have been several office moves. As a result there have been many tiny visitors in the corporate offices.
At the beginning of the week one of my co-workers was minding her own business at her desk and all of a sudden a little grey mouse jumped onto her desk and sat there and just looked at her.
The next day the same mouse or another one like it paid a visit to the adjoining desk.
Within minutes there were women screaming and climbing on their desks. Now, since I live in the middle of strawberry fields I was not bothered by the visitors and continued working.
Today was not unlike other days in the past week. Except their were two mice. One was brown and one was grey. Within seconds my boss was on top of a co-workers chair and then desk. Maintenance was called and the next 30 minutes was filled with screams and banging (cabinets being rattled to get the mice to run out so that they could be captured and disposed of).

Of course I was working...
End result, mice were eradicated.
It had been suggested that maybe we should have cats permitted on the property. Before we found homes for all the cats we didn't have this rodent problem. The answer was no...
Of course there will probably be more tomorrow.
Even though I grew up on a farm and saw more than my share of mice, if one scampered across the floor right this minute, I'd WANT to be screaming . . . . But, I probably wouldn't actually scream unless he ran across my foot or hand or head. If he touched me, it would be an involuntary scream. More of an EEEK! than an AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!
xvmnczs: kill the vermin Cezix!
You haven't seen a mouse or a rat until you have lived in Hong Kong.
why do you keep getting these weirdos on your blog? Mice are long as they are behind glass...
We had mice crunching ont the rafters above our bedroom untill I spread some special stuff on top of the insulation. After a year or so, we had no more mice.
mozil: That what happens if a rodent tries to spend the winter at our house.
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