The red potato pressed against the grater gradually shrunk as thin slices landed on the cutting board below. In anticipation of a scrumptious meal, several potatoes were quickly sliced and rinsed. Abruptly the slicing stopped as the long blade sliced into the tender flesh of one of the fingers holding the potato. Potato released in that microsecond when the brain registered the pain and the crimson blood beaded and streamed down the finger and into the palm.

Still tender to the touch; days later the wound will begin to heal.
He left her alone on the porch; walking away with his head bowed low. She watched as he slowly turned to look at her one last time before getting into his Ford Probe. Tears flowing freely, she grasped her chest as her heart ached from the breaking. Clutching her sides she collapsed to the ground sobbing. So exquisite the pain she had forgotten about the cut on her finger. As instantly as her brain had registered the cut it had also registered the pain of loss and rejection.
How long will it take for this wound to heal; a lifetime perhaps.

This instantaneous chain reaction; manifesting pain, is meant to protect - warning us to stop what it is that we are doing that causes pain. What is the purpose of emotional pain when there isn’t a way to prevent or abate it? The sensory nerves in our body don’t differentiate between physical and emotional pain. They are simply the vehicle to send impulses about what is happening in our environment to the brain via the spinal cord.
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