It was great to read the comments from some of my family members.
Things that are new and exciting that I wanted to share:
1) This year at the Ventura County Fair the Gonzales Family entered over 150 entries and competed in a couple of contests. Most exciting for this year, I participated in the Table Setting Contest and was awarded 1st place for a Themed Table Setting: LUAU - Aloha Beach Wedding Reception. The short story posted on my blog entitled: The Woods was also entered in the Ventura County Fair and I was awarded 1st place in the category of Non-Fiction Nature Story. Competing in the fair I was awarded $125.
2) I am currently writing a book and have been e-mailing a publisher and should have a book ready for publication in about 6 months. Victor is excited that I have finally decided to buckle down and get my ideas down on paper.
3) Healthfront: Still seeing the doctor. I am scheduled to have kryotherapy on September 8th. Not a fun procedure, but hopefully this will eradicate the abnormal cells. Will know more in about two weeks.
4) Working in the yard/garden and learning a lot. Planning for future entries in the fair. I plan to enter more flowers and arrangements next year. I have been practicing making arrangements and plan to take a couple of classes.
I loved the update on what's up with you! I feel like we just don't get talking to our family so much.
I'm planning on submitting some photo's to my state fair next year. (I was too late for this year)
Good luck on the 8th and let us know how everything goes!
1) Congrats. Share the green!
2) What is the book about?
3) Cyrotherapy - Get ready for the deep freeze!
4) What kind of veggies do you grow in the garden?
Kryotherapy??? Are you okay??? The only thing I can grow with apparent ease is Basil...don't know why...hmmm....
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