As writers, we need to draw from our experiences and find ways to infuse who we are into the stories we tell. Julia Cameron, the author of the Artist's Way, states: "We must write from love and we must choose those to read us who read from love: the love of words. The love of naming our experience must finally be the guiding force in what we put on the page."
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
- Working in the yard - cutting back the rose bushes and the grape vines. My apple tree and my plum tree already have blossoms!! We have had some strange weather -- hot; cold; hot; cold -- some of my bulbs in the flower beds have also sprouted...
- Go to Green Thumb: Lowe's and Home Depot to price materials for the Super Saturday Relief Society Activity for the Oxnard Third Ward - I am a guest instructor.
- Plan Gardening workshop for the Oxnard Third Ward Super Saturday Relief Society Activity.
- Make rice for 15 people for the Quarterly Ward Activity - On Saturday
- Take said rice to the church by 4:30 p.m. on Saturday
- Attend Ward Activity on Saturday
- Make invitations for the Monthly Super Activity/Birthday Party for the Activity Day girls
- Call all the girls and remind them that they are singing in sacrament meeting on Sunday and to have them come early so that we can practice one time before sacrament meeting and remind them where and how they are standing... :)
- Arrive at church early on Sunday to practice with girls
- Play the piano for the girls while they sing "Choose the Right"
- Hand out invitations to the girls/moms
- RELAX after church - hopefully do nothing!!!!! :)
- Some time during the weekend - working on my story and drawings... :)
- Make list of things to accomplish during the next week.
Isn't it great being busy!?!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
ON TRACK!!!!!!!
1) Find all the tax information for 2008 - DONE
2) Find all the medical expenses and submit them for reimbursement - DONE
3) Prepare Activity Day activity - DONE
4) Have Activity Day - DONE
5) Create 6-month Calendar for the Activity Day Girls - DONE
6) Keep house clean - sort-of done... :)
7) Go out to dinner with Victor and use the Red Lobster gift card received over a year ago - DONE
8) File 2008 Taxes - Not done - could have been done yesterday except that the Tax Guy's office was closed when we drove to his office yesterday. We are trying again today... :)
9) Go to bank - Get cashier's check for Loan Modification (mortgage) - DONE
10) Go to Office Depot and overnight said check to mortgage company - DONE
So, I am feeling pretty good about my week. The only down side: I have only made dinner one night this week (last night). The kids have been eating Top Ramen and sandwiches. I told Victor that I would make the "HEART" pasta this evening with chicken breast and a light sauce. We will have a nice fruit salad with sorbet and a green salad from romaine and various vegetables (mostly cucumbers - my favorite).
Feeling pretty good about things this week.
Hope you are all doing great!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
- Blessed is the leader who has not sought the high places but who has been drafted into service because of ability and willingness to serve.
- Blessed is the leader who knows where she is going, why she is going, and how she is going to get there.
- Blessed is the leader who knows no discouragement, who presents no alibi.
- Blessed is the leader who seeks for the best for those she serves.
- Blessed is the leader who leads for the good of the most concerned, and not for ther personal gratification of her own idea.
- Blessed is the leader who develops leaders while leading.
- Blessed is the leader who marches with the group, interprets correctly the signs on the pathway that leads to success.
- Blessed is the leader who has her head inthe clouds but her feet on the ground.
- Blessed is the leader who considers leadership an opportunity to serve.
- Blessed is the leader who leads with Christ like love.
- Blessed are leaders.
But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness, ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another. If you have a special problem, consult someone who has a special knowledge about it -- and do it on your knees.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Alana found a boulder and sat for a while taking in the cool refreshing river. And she thought. And then she wondered.
After some time had passed. Alana stood up determined to finish her walk through the orchard. It was still warm and the breeze had died down. She found her path and continued north. She had always taken this path and was determined to reach the end. As she walked she suddenly realized that there was no sweet fragrance of apple blossoms or lavender and the ground felt dry. She looked about and found the trees laden with ripe deep red apples and the grass had turned brown and it felt like straw beneath her bare feet.
How could this be? She had not spent a season by the river. She had only left her room for this walk only a few hours ago. A chill ran down her spine. Was this fear? "I have never been afraid in my own orchard," she said aloud.
The chill in her spin radiated to her arms and her legs. She held her arms close to her body. The sky grew dark and then tiny drops sprinkled down upon her face when she looked upward. The sky was dark gray with patches of white. The chill in the air grew steadily colder and Alana shivered. The rain became icy and it stung her fair skin. Confused, Alana looked around to see that the orchard was barren. Not one leaf or bud - just black branches and trunks wet from the rain.
Snow began to swirl around her like a wild dervish. The finger tipped branches of the apple trees stretched out to catch her hair, now drenched from the snow. The dark red strands against her skin looked like blood streaming down her face.
The wind howled through the orchard like the pained cries of a wolf lapping up the cracked brown abandoned leaves that covered the orchard floor. The long folds of Alana's skirt clung tightly to her damp legs almost restraining her and preventing her from moving forward. She pushed; determined to reach her destination.
Logically she knew this was absurd - why fight against the elements because of will. Any right thinking person would have turned back to seek refuge and shelter from the storm. She must be crazy; she thought to herself. That could explain her determination to press forward and finish her journey.
Alana struggled through the snowy drifts and could see that she was near the opposite side of the orchard. it seemed that the sky was lighter ahead. With each step closer her spirits began to lighten. She saw Sebastian at the other end prancing across the path.
Three more steps and she would be at the end. Two steps - the air moved warmly across her face and arms. One step - lavender and apple blossoms filled the stale crisp air with renewing and soothing fragrances.
Alana's bare feet felt the cool soft grass below and the breeze rippled the tall grass in the field before her. Sebastian disappeared stocking the butterflies that fluttered above the tips of the grass spears.
Alana's stood silently; breathing softly and enjoying the surroundings; only unconsciously she knew this field did not belong here. The peacefulness and serenity of this place calmed her senses. She knew she was where she should be.
Overcome with exhaustion; Alana lay down facing upward and watched the cotton-like clouds sail by. This place soothed every part of her being. The gentle breeze flowing through the grass ebbed and flowed rhythmically in time with her steady breath. the sun warmed her from the inside out and the flow of its energy filled her at the core and then over-flowed and spread through her body leaving from her fingers and toes. She felt revitalized and full of power. She felt peace. She was content. Nothing could be better than this respite from the storm. "This must be heaven..." the last thought before she drifted off to sleep.
"The fever has passed," the physician stated directly to Leanora. "She needs to rest; her body is exhausted. She is as strong as iron though and this fiery furnace she just passed through would temper any steal into a fine sword."
"Thank you," Leanora softly spoke; continuing to look upon her eldest child. Orrin stood beside her, his hand upon her shoulder. His reassurance along with the words of the physician was all she needed to keep hope for the life of her first born.
"She looks so peaceful," Leanora said - trying to reassure herself. Still gazing down at her daughter she observed a tiny smile across Alana's lips.
"We should send word to the rest of the family that Alana has passed through the worst," Orrin stated. "Would you like me to take care of this?"
"Yes, and I will tend to the rest of the children and ready them for bed. I think we can all sleep tonight." Leanora stood; wrapping her fingers around her daughter's hand - slightly squeezing to let her daughter know all is well.
"She is burning up," Leanora whispered to Orrin, "she is too young."
"I know," Orrin solemnly responded.
"How long do you think this will go on?" Leanora inquired with tears in her eyes.
"It could be days; or it could be..." Orrin's voice trailed off...
Alana turned to look behind to where the muffled voices were coming from. She remembered hearing 'burning up' and 'could be days.' Although she was curious; she did not walk toward the voices. Rather, she turned back continuing through the marble arches leading outside her palace room.
She found herself on the marble covered veranda overlooking the immense apple orchard. The apple trees were covered with pink and white blossoms. A gentle breeze snatched up petals drifting them high above the canopy to fall slowly and softly down to the ground.
Alana stepped slowing down the cool marble steps spiralling toward the velvety grass of the orchard. She stopped and stood silent for some time gazing across the tops of the trees. She was so still that a quick glance in her direction; any observer would believe she was etched from marble to accent the beautifully polished marble slabs.
A warm breeze swept through the orchard and up the steps to where Alana stood. The breeze lifted her long strawberry blond hair and strands brushed across her porcelain skin. She continued to watch the sea of green with deep longing.
Sebastian brushed up against her right leg and then circled around her legs still pressing into her as his long tail playfully flitted about in the long folds of her skirt. Alana looked down and was greeted by a quick meow and a continuous low purr.
Alana answered: "It's such a beautiful day - would you like to take a walk through the orchard?" There was no need for a reply; Sebastian leaned back on his hind paws - raising the front paws - looking up at Alana. In moments he sprung in the air floating down to the green grass of the orchard with Alana following swiftly but gracefully.
The pleasant fragrance of the blossoms mingled with freshly crushed grass was soothing and the breeze carried gentle bursts of lavender from a nearby field. The sparrows chirped from their nests as Alana walked by and hummingbirds buzzed by quickly - pausing for a second in greeting and then sped off in search of more nectar. Life seemed to be bursting out in all its spectacular spring tradition. The sights and sounds a reminder of the continuous circle of life and the renewal of spring.
Alana continued through the Orchard following the path she had tread so many times before. She could hear the bubbling waters of the river that bordered her Kingdom.
Alana loved the familiar and this orchard was familiar. She felt safe here and she smiled as she recollected times past and the hours she wiled away. As she continued her journey the sun crept slowly high into the sky and its heat warmed her skin. She was glad for the light frock she chose to wear. The random shade of the apple trees became the desired recpite and eventually the heat pierced through the dense boughs. Soon the heat was so intense that little beads of perspiration dotted Alana's forehead and her cheeks burned bright red.
Sebastian wandered in the thickest and darkest parts of the orchard to escape the blazing Sun. Soon that was no relief.
Alana began to wonder why it was so hot and why it was becoming increasingly difficult to breathe. She considered resting beneath a tree and then remembered the river. She cut through the trees eastward toward the river finding it in short time. She raised her skirt above her knees and stepped into the cool winter thaw. Sebastian at the rivers edge lapped up cool water; pausing only for a moment to purr contentedly up at Alana.
Beauty Emerges From The Darkness
I have been pondering upon the things that I have heard, seen, and felt over the past several months, weeks, and specifically during the pa...
I didn't have work today... still had to get up early in the morning to wake up kids and take Moya to the vets. After the dog was dropp...
I did not assemble these pictures or come up with the clever tag lines. However, this is funny! Enjoy!!!!! :)
Both my employer and the kids school have sent out notifications regarding the SWINE flu. There have been confirmed cases in Ventura County ...