Each February I reflect on some of the more romantic things in life.
My parent's wedding anniversasry is February 11th. This year they celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary. My parent's were sealed in the St George temple by my Great Grandfather Edwards. Grandpa Edwards served in the St George temple for many years. My grandparents were also sealed by my Great grandfather.
When Victor and I were considering the various temples we could be sealed in I shared with Victor my desire to be sealed in the temple where my parents and my grandparents were sealed by my great grandfather. September 4th 1998, Victor and I were sealed to each other and to our children, Devlyn, Evan and Aislyn. Each February I reflect on the significance of those sacred ordinances and the covenants that have been made in that sacred place
When we lived in Simi Valley there was a couple whose anniversary is also in February. Brother and Sister Lightborn celebrate their anniversary every day in the month of February. Each doing something for the other to show how much they love each other. I do not know if this began when they were first married or if this was something that developed over the years.
Two years ago Victor and I ran into Brother and Sister Lightborn and I talked with them briefly and discovered that they still spend every day in the month of February expressing their love for each other in small and simple things.
Throughout the ages there have been many lovers who have shown us through literature; poetry and music the deep love they feel for one another.
On the day that Robert Schumman was married to Clara he began a journal. He expressed his deep love for Clara and his desire to chronical their life and love for one another through this journal. Robert Schumann is known for the great pieces of work he wrote. Clara performed and wrote many piano pieces as well.
In August of 2007 I discovered a CD of piano music performed by Lucy Parham. "Beloved Clara" is the story of the intense relationships between Robert Schumann, his wife Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms. This programme of music and readings brings their history to life. It chronicles the sometimes troubled marriage of Clara and Robert, the arrival in their household of the dynamic, 21-year-old Brahms, Robert's decline into mential illness and the deepening relationship between Clara and Brahms, the exact nature of which has never been established. Music by all three is performed by Lucy Parham, interspersed with extracts from their letters and diaries.
As I listened to the music and the extracts from their letters and diaries I had an idea to start my own journal writing the thoughts and feelings towards my beloved husband. The good and the bad - so that he knows how I truly love him.
This morning as I was getting ready for church I discovered the beautiful flowers that Victor purchased the night before in one of my favorite red vases. He had placed them on the piano so that I would definitely see them (since I play the piano every Sunday morning). I love flowers. After church I received my second favorite thing for Valentine's Day - a half flat of strawberries. I have been eating strawberries while I write this blog.
For so many people in this world, Valentine's Day is a sad day for many reasons. Either they haven't found love; or they have lost love; or maybe they are in the midst of unrequited love. Valentine's Day is a day to express our love to those who are important to us. Don't forget to say I love you to someone today.
As writers, we need to draw from our experiences and find ways to infuse who we are into the stories we tell. Julia Cameron, the author of the Artist's Way, states: "We must write from love and we must choose those to read us who read from love: the love of words. The love of naming our experience must finally be the guiding force in what we put on the page."
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I did not assemble these pictures or come up with the clever tag lines. However, this is funny! Enjoy!!!!! :)
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Awww, that was sweet! How cute...And now I am craving strawberries. Blast you!
... and you live next to the "strawberry fields forever" ... lucky you!
aaaahhhh! the Beatles - another favorite of mine
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