As writers, we need to draw from our experiences and find ways to infuse who we are into the stories we tell. Julia Cameron, the author of the Artist's Way, states: "We must write from love and we must choose those to read us who read from love: the love of words. The love of naming our experience must finally be the guiding force in what we put on the page."
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Summer (the pig) had a pleasant; peaceful 8 months on the ranch and grew to nearly 300 lbs. She became so heavy that her poor little legs developed shin splints and had difficulty walking. We had hoped to keep her around a little longer since we have barely put a dent in Hogzilla's contribution to the meat freezer. Alas, Summer has joined Hogzilla in pig heaven and we will soon be bursting with a two year supply of pork.
Not even two weeks have passed and we had to put another four legged creature in the stall...
So, last Saturday Victor woke me up at 6 a.m. to take a shower and to jump into the car with Evan, Aislyn and Allisa. We drove an hour and a half to Little Rock. There we stopped at one of Victor's co-worker's home... It is more like a ranch...
This ranch had various animals: cats; dogs; a rooster and about 7 or 8 horses.
The purpose of the trip was to "look" at horses and then later decide if we were really ready for a horse. With that said, we have talked about getting a horse for a long time. Victor knows that I really enjoy horse back riding and every trip we take we squeeze in some riding.
The kids were permitted to ride one of the horses. Victor's friend told us that the horse they were riding was for sale for $2000.... "I don't think so!" I thought to myself.
As were getting ready to leave, Victor's friend showed us another horse that had been given to him. A four year old Thorough Bread racing horse. He offered the horse to us and said that we could borrow his trailer to take her home that day. She also came with papers. He asked his wife to bring the papers out and reiterated that we could have her at no cost. We were stunned!!!!! Victor looked at me and asked if I would like her.
Well, of course! She is absolutely beautiful and you can't beat the price for this kind of horse.
So, we have a horse. Her name is Creole Spice. We call her Spice for short.
She loves apples and I give her one in the morning before work and one in the afternoon when I get home. She eats 4 lbs of oats; barley and hay in the morning and in the afternoon. She eats like a horse!!!!!!
She has a great personality and loves to be with the family. When I exercise her she wants to get really close to me and often times will walk behind me with her head over my shoulder. Instant bonding! :)
We will definitely send pictures!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
HOMEWORK - Spanish
All my homework is done on-line and is computer graded immediately; except for free style writing that has to be graded by the instructor. I have six sentences that I composed last night that still need to be graded... :) So far I have an "A" in the class!!!!!!!
Any way, while I was doing my homework on-line Victor was sitting next to me on the couch and was listening to the audio portion with me and was watching me as I answered the questions in Spanish. I had already spent 2 hours speaking in Spanish and writing in Spanish that I continued speaking to Victor in Spanish while I was doing my work.
The look on Victor's face was funny. He knew that I understood Spanish and he knew that I could speak Spanish - usually commands to my children. He did not expect me to ask him questions in Spanish having to do with the homework. I was asking him if I had heard the on-line instructor correctly and had I answered the questions correctly. He answered me in English... :)
Once he figured out that I was speaking to him in Spanish the shock went away and he actually enjoyed the brief conversation in Spanish. It may take me a while to feel comfortable speaking Spanish with my classmates - but it came naturally with Victor. How funny!
I have Spanish class again tonight. Before Spanish Victor and I have a guitar class together. Should be very interesting.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Spanish 01
I didn't learn too much in terms of new information... I already know the alphabet and I can count to 100...
I can ask the time; ask you your name; and ask your how you are doing...
I also know how to say hello and good bye...
In our house, Spanish is used when our kids are in trouble:
Sit down!
Go Away!
Be quiet!
Come here!
Most of the students in the class did not purchase their books yet - so we didn't have the first lesson we should have and we didn't get homework assigned. We do have an exam next Thursday on the first three chapters!
The homework was 1) buy the books and 2) logon and register with the on-line workbook 3) know how to spell your name in Spanish (both first and last names) 4) know how to say your phone number in Spanish
All very easy.
The instructor loves to speak in Spanish - so only half the class understood what he was talking about and about a quarter of that half understood every word. I was in the 1/2 that understood the gist and laughed when appropriate.
This will be a fun and a challenging class once we get going.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ventura College Symphony Orchestra
First day of school was last night. This class is Beginning Orchestra - Wind Instruments. When I registered for the class I imagined that I would be in a room with just woodwind instruments...
I arrived at the campus an hour early to pick up my parking permit and to get the lay of the land. I found my classroom 30 minutes prior to the beginning of class (7:00 p.m. - 9:50 p.m.).
I opened the door - peaked in and then slowly backed out. I thought I was in the wrong place. There were already several people in the classroom. My ears were ringing with the sounds of scales coming from Cellos; violins; Basses; a French Horn; a Flute and an Oboe. I stood in the hall for about 10 minutes and then decided to open the door again. This time my heart was racing. Talk about first day jitters... A lady sitting at a table spotted me and invited me in stating that they don't bite - they only nibble - and then she smiled. I thought "okay... this isn't so bad".
She asked me to sign in and indicate what instrument I play. I don't remember the conversation - but I remember disclosing that I hadn't played in 25 years. She had a slightly worried look and then handed me 6 pieces of music for Clarinet - 2nd part and then directed me to the first seat in the clarinet section.
I looked over the music. Two pieces by Mendolssohn - one is a symphony the other is a piano concerto. There were two other Concertos - don't remember who the composers are. There is a Jane Eyre Suite (absolutely beautiful) and one other piece that we didn't get to.
The first 30 minutes were introductions and attendance - nice way to calm my nerves.
There was a gentleman about the same age as dad who sat next to me. Very interesting man. He asked me about my music back ground. I revealed the lack of practice over the past several years and begged him not to listen to me. Inside I was terrified that I would be discovered as a fraud. I had been looking at the music and couldn't remember the fingering for any of the notes. The symphony clarinet part was written for an A clarinet and I had to transpose the notes in my head - that was a nightmare. I bailed out a couple times on the conductor who wanted to hear my sound and I pled with him - explaining that I was having difficulty getting any air through my instrument. He laughed and skipped over me.
Later in the evening he asked me how I was doing; reassuring me that the strength in my mouth would return in no time and encouraged me to practice every day. He then asked me if my mouth hurt. I told him no, but my thumb hurt from holding the instrument. The whole orchestra laughed.
My partner - the older man - told me that I have a beautiful sound when I play and that I needed to play a little louder. He also went up to the conductor (the instructor) and told him that I play beautifully...
At one point during rehersal I magically remembered my fingering and began to feel elation. I also felt a little euphoric... it was odd and at one point I thought I was going to burst into tears.
I guess I didn't realize how much I loved to play the clarinet and how much I missed it.
I had been asked by several members of the church to audition for the Ventura Orchestra and I had always told them no because I hadn't played in so long. Even though this is not the Ventura Orchestra, this is a start. I think I finally figured out what I want to do when I grow up.
We have two concerts this term:
October 24, 2009
December 12, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
In the past, the final weekend of the fair would have been my biggest entry day. With the lack of sleep Friday morning and the late night Friday night I could not bring myself to crawl out of bed and cut all the fresh flowers in my yard and get to the fair grounds before 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning.
Floriculture entries are my best entries every year and I usually get blue ribbons and $ premium awards. Even with that knowledge I still could not get out of bed.
However, there are still two entrants that I have not spotlighted. Myself and Alex.
Alex has been disappointed every year that he has not been a part of the Gonzales Family frenzy before the fair. This year I made a point to have him participate. He was not happy in the beginning and grumbled the whole 12 hours we spent in the kitchen baking. He entered 8 baked items and two craft items:
- Toffee cookies - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Pecan Pie - 1st place - blue ribbon - THIS IS FANTASTIC! Especially for a non-baker
- Pumpkin Pie - 1st place - blue ribbon
- Zucchini Bread - 1st place - blue ribbon & BEST OF CLASS!! HOLY COW!!!! Who knew?!?!?!
- Oatmeal cookies - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Rice Krispie treats - 1st place - blue ribbon
- Peanut Butter cookies - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Chocolate Brownie bites - 1st place - blue ribbon
63% of his entries were outstanding and the two hardest recipies he did the best on.
Alex was astonished. Victor and I were very proud of him.
both from scout camp
- Weaved basket - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Weaved chair seat - 3rd place - white ribbon
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mesa High Achiever
Dear Student and Parents:
Your child Allisa Gonzales demonstrated outstanding achievement during the 2008/09 school year by scoring an Advanced level on California Standards tests (CST) in both English Language Arts and Math. We want to congratulate you and your child for their status as a "Mesa High Achiever." We know that academic excellence is the result of students, families, and teachers working together to take advantage of all available educational opportunities. We wanted to celebrate your accomplishments during the past school year and encourage you to continue your successful efforts in the coming 2009/10 school year. While we believe that every Mesa student has the ability and opportunity to go on to great academic success in high school, college, and beyond, we think your child is clearly on the path to success at the best colleges and universities in the world.
John Puglisis, PhD Marilyn Renger
Superintendent Principal
Friday, August 14, 2009
A rerun came on after that and it was one that Evan really liked and he asked if he could stay up and watch it before he went to bed. We told Evan that was fine, he just needed to make sure that everything was locked up and that he turned everything off before he went to bed. Aislyn joined Evan in the living room to watch the show.
At about 1 a.m. we hear several quick raps on our bedroom door and the voice of one of our children saying something about Victor's Red Dodge Ram. Victor and I quickly dressed and went outside to see what they were talking about... dun DUN DUN
As we are walking out the front door Evan and Aislyn explain everything that had transpired before they knocked on our door:
- They heard a noise outside the front room window - a bang of sorts - Aislyn's eyes are enormous
- They heard another loud noise further out in the street
- Then... the truck alarm goes off
- They look outside they don't see anything
- They turn on the hall light
- They go to Grandma's room
- Grandma goes to the front room and turns on the outside lights
- Grandma goes outside
- Evan and Aislyn come and knock on the door
Victor and I discover that the rear driver-side window has been knocked out.
I call 9-1-1
At the end of the street we see several figures - one on a cell phone. At the other end a car starts up and drives down to these dark figures and picks them up. They drive by - Victor already has a flashlight and shines it on the car to see the people and to get the license plate number. Victor yells the number out to me and then instructs me to get his cell phone, wallet and the keys to the Durango.
Victor leaves and follows the teal coloured car
A sheriff shows up and inspects the truck; asks where Victor is - I of course explain that my husband has gone after the suspects in my car. Within minutes dispatch is coming over his speakers explaining that the supsects are being pursued by a man in a silver dodge durango and that he is giving each change in direction as it happens.
The sheriff smiles at me and asks "Is that your husband?" I said "Yes" with a big grin on my face. He tells me that he will be right back and takes off in the direction the one man pursuit is taking place.
An hour and a half later...
My husband has returned home. Two sheriffs have arrived and the suspects have disappeared (Victor didn't want to run the red lights). The sheriffs stated that in this case it would have been fine to run the red lights.
They tell us that there were 5 other cars broken into before ours and that they have been trying to catch these guys all night. Victor came the closest to catching them.
Victor had his brand new golf clubs in the back seat of his truck. We are certain that is what they were after. Unfortunately for them the Gonzales family moves very quickly and they were caught off guard and got nothing. In their haste they also left behind the crow bar that they used to smash the windows. We got a close enough look at them that we know that they did not have any gloves on their hands and that the crow bar has finger prints! :) They are so busted!
This morning we discovered that they had broken into two other cars on our street.
I have had 3 hours of sleep. Does anyone have any tooth picks?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
BEST of CLASS - Evan
Peanut Butter cookies - 2nd place - red ribbon
Toffee Cookies - 1st place - blue ribbon
Rice Krisipie Treats - 2nd place - red ribbon
Pumpkin Bread - 1st place - blue ribbon
Carrot Bread - 2nd place - red ribbon
Pecan Pie - 3rd place - white ribbon (his pie just fell apart) :(
Oatmeal Cookies - 2nd place -red ribbon
Pumpkin Pie - 2nd place - red ribbon
Evan has been begging me to teach him how to embroider and has watched me as I have done some Swedish Weaving projects. The day before the entry date he pulled his huck towels out and thread that I gave him for Christmas and instisted that I show him how.
Huck Towel - Traditional Swedish Weaving design - 1st place - blue ribbon
Huck Towel - Teddy Bear design - 1st place - blue ribbon
Dream Catcher - 1st place - blue ribbon
Eastern Island Head Clay Vase - 2nd place - red ribbon
Eagle Coin Bank - 1st place - blue ribbon & BEST OF CLASS (BIGGER BLUE RIBBON)
The best part for me and Victor was that Evan really worked hard and saw the results of his hard work.
This is the first year that Evan has entered quality work and received a BEST of CLASS recognition. We are very proud of him.
In addition, Evan participated in summer school at the high school and took his 9th Grade Health Class and earned a "B" grade. We are very proud of his efforts and excited for the new year.
Evan starts High School September 1st - what a great birthday present! Seminary starts September 8th - so much for sleeping in. :)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Baked Items:
Toffee Cookies - 2nd place - red ribbon
Butterscotch chips cookies with nuts - 1st place - blue ribbon
Pecan Pie - 1st place - blue ribbon
Peanut Butter Cookies - 1st place - blue ribbon
Butterscotch chip cookies - 2nd place - red ribbon
Pumpkin Pine - 1st place - blue ribbon
Oatmeal cookies - 3rd place - white ribbon (the cookies were the size of a quarter)
Rice Krispie Treats - 1st place - blue ribbon
Comet Haiku - 3rd place - white ribbon
Milky Way Haiku - 3rd place - white ribbon
I AM Poem - 2nd place - red ribbon
1 pair of earrings - 1st place - blue ribbon
Decorated Gift bag - 1st place - blue ribbon
Decorated Scripture bag - 1st place - blue ribbon
Silk Flower Arrangement - 3rd place - white ribbon
Ceramic Horse Tooth Cast (Science project) - 3rd place - white ribbon
Sewn flannel blanket - 3rd place -white ribbon (first attempt at sewing)
Ceramic casting - 3rd place - white ribbon
Decorated Father's Day Frame - 1st place - blue ribbon
Decorated Father's Day Frame - 2nd place - red ribbon
Handmade Cards (applied arts):
Gold and Black Butterfly - 1st place - blue ribbon
Silver bird - 1st place - blue ribbon
Blue Jay - 2nd place - red ribbon
Red Butterfly - 1st place - blue ribbon
Cardinal - 2nd place - red ribbon
Gold Butterfly - 2nd place - red ribbon
Bird with gold breast - 1st place - blue ribbon
Bird with gold head - 2nd place - red ribbon
The fun thing about Aislyn and the projects she works on is the time and effort she puts into it. Aislyn is so detailed and creative. She knows how she wants something to look and uses her imagination and ingenuity to come up with a solution. She does not race through the task and is quite obsessive until complete. (I wonder where she gets that from).
Aislyn was very excited and pleased about her accomplishments this year. I know that she will do even better next year.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Baked Items:
- Oatmeal cookies - 1st Place - Blue Ribbon
- Pumpkin Pie - 2nd Place -Red Ribbon
- Pumpkin Muffins - 2nd Place - Red Ribbon
- Easy Muffins - 2nd Place - Red Ribbon
- Gooey Chocolate Brownies - 2nd Place - Red Ribbon
- Mexican Wedding Cookies - 1st Place - Blue Ribbon
- Rice Krispie Treats - 2nd Place - Red Ribbon
- Peanut Butter Cookies - 2nd Place - Red Ribbon
- AND OF COURSE her famous Pecan Pie - 1st Place - Blue Ribbon
Handmade cards:
- Green Leaf Image - 1st place - Blue Ribbon
- Tree Image - 1st Place - Blue Ribbon
- X-mas Wreath Image - 1st place - Blue Ribbon
- Red Flowers Image - 3rd Place - White Ribbon
- Butterfly Images (1) - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Butterfly Images (2) - 3rd place - white ribbon
- Butterfly Images (3) - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Butterfly Images (4) - 1st place - blue ribbon
- Bird Images (1) - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Silver Bird Images (2) - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Red Cardinal Images (3) - 2nd place - red ribbon
- Blue Jay Images (4) - 3rd place - white ribbon
She also tried her hand at jewelry making and made three pairs of earrings (1 set) - 2nd place - red ribbon
She also created two flower arrangements:
- She made flowers out of tissue paper and put them in a vase - 1st place - blue ribbon
- She made a silk flower arrangement for Mother's Day - 1st place - blue ribbon
Last Saturday she woke up early with me while I was preparing my home grown flower arrangements and she decided to create her own. She entered a live flower arrangement in the Floriculture department and received 1st place - BLUE RIBBON
Overall Allisa did a good job and when she did her best it showed. Allisa learned this year that it is not always best to have the most entries and that quality does matter. She had fun with her entries and will participate again next year.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mormon Night and Dodger Stadium
Elder Ballard and one of the 70 threw the first pitch of the game. It was awesome!!!!! :)
Our friend, Bishop Ramirez, shook Elder Ballard's hand and spoke to him briefly.
We sat in the all you can eat section of the stadium. This is located behind right field.
The innings were very quick and a little frustrating for me personally. I love the Dodgers - but they let the Braves take home 4 times!!!!!!!!!!!! Manny Ramirez was not playing ball and should have sat out the game! He was very bad!! :(
We usually leave Echo Park once the 9th inning begins. We had brought Bishop Ramirez and his son so we stayed.
At the bottom of the 9th the Dodgers were down 4-2. I was very sad. When Andre Ethier was up to bat there were two players on base. I thought for certain we were going to lose. At one point he had 2 balls and 2 strikes.
If you follow the Dodgers you know that Ethier hit a home run and they won 5-4! I totally lost it. I screamed for almost 10 minutes. I had to buy a t-shirt with Ethier's number and name. Unfortunately they didn't have any my size so I settled for the child size. I am going to frame it with my Ticket stub, the news paper article from the next morning and the Dodger water bottle.
We had so much fun!!!!!!!!11
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Last night we were talking about when we could go for the first time.
Opening Day, Wednesday, August 5th - Can't go. Activity at the church for Young Men and Young Women
Thursday, August 6th - Can't go. Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium (we are going with the Ventura Stake - we missed our own stake's Mormon Night). It's great to have friends from our old ward.
Friday, August 7th - MAYBE. It is date night and it will cost us $$$$$$ to get in.
Saturday, August 8th - Most Definitely. I have entries to take Saturday morning. The whole family usually goes with me to help me out with my cut roses and flower arrangments. We get stamped as we leave so that we can re-enter when the gates open. COSTS NOTHING!!!!! :)
We like going to the concerts and there are a couple really good acts this year. If you are into the 80's - Huey Lewis is playing - we are probably going to go to that.
There are a couple of country acts - we will probably go with a few of our friends who love country.
Saturday, August 15th - Most Definitely. I have entries to take Saturday morning. We will get stamped again. I take flower cuttings from all of the plants in the yard and enter them in the fair.
I also take items to the Ag building during the week. Vegetables; fuits; nuts, etc. Our Quince are the size of large grapefruits. I get a blue ribbon every year for them. They are very pretty this year. The squirels have been eating the guavas and the macademia nuts - so I don't think I will have anything to show this year.
Grapes; apples; oranges and avocados are not ready :(
We always go the last day of the fair - great deals with the Vendors trying to get rid of their inventory.
I can't wait to tell you how everyone did on their pre-fair entries. I am so excited.
Monday, August 3, 2009
WE MISSED YOU !!!!!!!!
Chris and Tammy, we hope that your blessed weekend was wonderful! She is truly beautiful!
In case you were wondering what we actually did with our weekend...
We cleaned the house; ran some errands and baked for 12 hours on Saturday. If you haven't guessed it - The Ventura County Fair opens this Wednesday.
We had four children in the kitchen baking for 12 hours on Saturday; producing the following:
4 pecan pies
4 pumpkin pies
3 loaves of bread (zucchini; pumpkin and carrot)
two batches of muffins (easy and pumpkin)
about a dozen different types of cookies
4 batches of rice krispie treats
1 sheet of brownies
1 batch of brownie bites
While the baking was going on I washed 8 loads of laundry and we watched Harry Potter movies starting with #1 in the Kitchen - while Victor sat in the living room watching season 3 and season 4 of Stargate Atlantis.
Since we were tired of the kitchen, we went to Marie Calendars and ordered Potato Cheese Soup for our little bakers and a whole sheet of corn bread.
We woke up early Sunday morning and delivered the tasty treats to the fair grounds for judging. We were in and out of there in 30 minutes.
We spent the rest of the day recuperating.
We thought that we had properly covered all the remaining items from our baking frenzy - alas - while we were out Chiana discovered the baked items on the dining room table. We found one plate of rice crispie treats on the dining room floor - half eaten and three pumpkin muffins severely beaten on the dining room table. I would guess that Chiana did not like the pumpkin muffins.
Alex discovered that Zucchini bread actually tastes pretty good. He had complained and made faces while he was making it. Another triumph for me - I had told him that he should try it and then tell me that he didn't like it.
Victor's nephew, Kevin, was enjoying the mayhem on Saturday and joined in - making a 5th pecan pie and a 5th pumpkin pie. He took them with him when he went to Lompoc with Lucy on Sunday. Shared the baked goods with some of Victor's family up there.
Lucy told Kevin that he was learning from the best (referring to me). I was surprised and a little pleased with the compliment.
Beauty Emerges From The Darkness
I have been pondering upon the things that I have heard, seen, and felt over the past several months, weeks, and specifically during the pa...
I didn't have work today... still had to get up early in the morning to wake up kids and take Moya to the vets. After the dog was dropp...
I did not assemble these pictures or come up with the clever tag lines. However, this is funny! Enjoy!!!!! :)
Both my employer and the kids school have sent out notifications regarding the SWINE flu. There have been confirmed cases in Ventura County ...